1845 Chicago City Directory:
De Puy, John, teamster, h Michigan b Wolcott & Cass streets HUSBAND
Canfield, Dennis laborer h Clark b. N Water and Kinzi
Canfield, David carpenter, residence J. P. DePuy's SON-IN-LAW
1846 Chicago City Directory:
DePuy, John, teamster, h cor Kinzie and Rush HUSBAND
Canfield, David, carpenter res N. Water near Lake House SON-IN-LAW
1847-48 Chicago City Directory:
Canfield, David carpenter h kinzie b pine and rush sts. SON-IN-LAW
De Puy, John,teamster h kinzie b rush and pine strs HUSBAND
1855 Chicago City Directory:
DePuy John, harnessmaker W. Speight
DePew James, tinsmith, bds Wm. Davenport
1862 Chicago City Directory: James is a carpenter, SON-IN-LAW
Paulk, James boatman, bds 326 N Franklin
Paulk James, carpenter, h 255 N. Franklin ?
Paulk James, carpenter, h 326 N. Franklin ?
1863 Chicago City Directory:
DePuy George, clerk, Strong, h 78 Wolcott
DePuy James, teamster, h 157 Huron
1866 Chicago City Directory:
De Pue B. F. Beveridge, DePue & Co. r Kentucky
De Pue Daniel S. with Beveridge, De Pue & Co. r Birmingham Landing, Kentucky
De Pue James, carpenter, Fox & Howard's dock
De Puy Aaron, carpenter, r May, bet, Randolph and Lake
1870 Chicago City Directory:
Depuy Aaron, carpenter, r 166 Walnut
DePuy George G fruitdealer, 142 S. Water ... Willard pl
1871 Chicago City Directory:
Depew A. M. carpenter, r 166 Walnut, w 14 m 1, b N.Y.
DePue Emma mrs. saloon and boardinghouse, 215 State w 2 m 20 f 7 t 27, b Iowa
Depue Samuel, railroad man 4 610 S. Canal, w 8
1875 Chicago City Directory:
Paulk James, forman 4. 1 Idaho Probably him SON-IN-LAW
Paulk J. M. trav agt. 16 River, bds 23 25th
Paulk Mrs. physician bds 23 25th
In 1882 Chicago City Directory:
James H Depuy, carpenter, is living in a house at 631 Park Ave. SON
John Depuy (?) lab[orer] boards at 411 Idaho. RELATIVE ?Leverett??
Lyman M. DePuy, blacksmith, lives in house at 1118 W. Lake SON
Mrs. P. W. DePuy physician, bords at 284 Michigan Ave
Emma E DePuie widow of Jesse, furnished rooms, 147 Monroe
1884 Chicago City Directory:
George G. DePuy, com. travl. 295 Wabash Ave.
James Depuy, carpenter house 840 W. Congress ?James H? SON
John DePuy, driver, bds 279 W. Lake
DePuy Minnie Miss, clk 106 Wabash av bds 840 W. Congress
Phoebe W. DePuy, Mrs. physician 285 Michigan ave
James A. Paulk, carpenter 39 S. Union, house at 411 Idaho. SON
J. M. Paulk salesman 86 Wabash ave house 172 N. State
Lillie E. Paulk, teacher, house 411 Idaho GRANDDAUGHTER
Charles S. Paulk, lumber bds, 411 Idaho GRANDSON
1889 Chicago City Directory:
George B DePue, printer, h 212 W. Monroe
James H. DePue, car[penter] insp[ector], h[ouse] 221 Egan Av. SON
Abraham H. DePuy physician 153 Jackson, h. 825 Pullman bldg.
George G. DePuy, furn rooms, 79 S. Sangamon
DePuy James, carp. h. 413 S. Oakley av.
Leveret J. DePuy, clk, 56 W. Madison SON
Clarence E DePuy teacher h 58 Warren av
George A DePuy printer h 3531 Cottage Grove av
DePuy, George G bkbndr h 336 W. Adams
DePuy, John lab h 220 W. Randolph
DePuy, Marinda M. wid Lyman M h 6703 Lafayette av DAUGHTER-IN-LAW
DePuy, Phoebe W wid Linus h 10505 Longwood av
DePuy, William H barber h 434 Seminary Av
1900 Chicago City Directory:
Depuy, Clarence # teacher h 58 Warren av
Depuy, George A. printer h 3531 Cottage Grove av
Depuy, John lab h 220 W. Randolph
DePuy, Lois Miss h 3531 Cottage Grove av
Depuy, Marinda M wid Lyman M h 6703 Lafayette av DAUGHTER-IN-LAW
Depuy, William H barber h 430 Seminary av
Paulk, James 411 S. Claremont av. ??SON-IN-LAW??
1903 Chicaco City Directory:
DePuy Clarence E. teacher h 58 Warren av
DePuy, George bds 284 Illinois
DePuy, George A printer h 3531 Cottage Grove av
DePuy, George W (W L Kamerling & Co) 744 W North av h 660 N Artesian av
DePuy, Lois Miss h 3531 Cottage Grove av
DePuy, Marinda M wid Lyman M h 6009 Woodlawn av DAUGHTER-IN-LAW
DePuy, William H barber h rear 51 Clifton av
Depew Frank motorman h 9134 Ontario av
DePew George carp h 7020 Emerald av
DePew George # real est h 3809 Lake av
DePew Grant cigarmkr, h 6620 St. Lawrence av
DePew Harry G physician 203, 9140 Commercial av h 5212 Madison av
DePew Hattie Mrs h 4710 Calumet av
DePew Henry H physician 211, 112 Clark
DePew H J woodwkr bds 41 W 23d
DePew John C master mechanic 810, 279 Dearborn h 1223 N. Western av
DePew Louis lab h 150 N. Wood
Depew Nettie mrs. furn rooms 1515 Michigan av
DePew Walter h 1506 Michigan av.
DePue Allen carp h 10944 Indiana av
DePue Carl L foreman 203 Washington h 732 W. 60th
DePue Carl R clk 302 Michigan av h 3000 Michigan av
DePue Daniel S real est 512, 21 Quincy
DePue Elmer wines 46 Vanburen h 47, 22d
DePue Fred A asst 807, 77 Jackson boul h 73, 33d
DePue James H machinist, h 1026 W. Harrison
DePue Marcellus L condtr h 898 Warren av
DePue Nellie B Mrs. h 47, 22d
DePue Oriel Mrs. h 532 W. Lake
DePue Oscar B photog h 2449 N. Paulina
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